Monday 21 February 2011

BoRn 2 PaRtY..... FoRcEd 2 WoRk......

Every day is like a new born baby in hand,
apart from all rust, junky nights,
it's a day to mingle & zingle,
weekends looked like a ray of blessing .
wrapping all duties in a envelop and perversely banging the floor.

A inchoate morning overshadowed the tiresome nights, 
the mind was bursting with new adventures.
It was time to explore our inner energy & call up our throng,
acquiring some space in the partying grounds &
enjoying our outbreak of energies.
The essence of "off" is such a divine feeling , 
that one gets oozed up.

The next day again the same pressure & rusty work 
and again as always the day kicks-off with all daily chores,
In the end one thing arises to every mind,
& that is  "i wish everyday is a weekend"